Kitesurfing is not as new as it seems and is not the invention of one man.

In the 70's, a few americans used round parachutes to pull them on waterskis

The swiss Andreas Kuhn sails in the middle of the 80's with wakeboard style boards pulled by a paraglider (around 25m2). He is probably the first to have jumped high in light wind conditions. Shown on european TV's.

In 1977 the dutchman Gijsbertus Panhuise gets a patent where a pilot standing up on a board is pulled by a round parachute tied to his harness. 

So he can be considered as the inventor although there was no serious media or commercial follow-up. 


In 1984 the frenchies Dominique and Bruno Legaignoux, sailors, windsurfers and surfers, get a patent for the first self-relaunching marine wing. To promote it, they attend several International Speedsailing events in 1985 and 1986 with waterskis. During 10 years they improve their wing and test most power kite uses, making hundreds kites, boards, skis and boats.The first wings were sold in 1993.

In the late 80's, Cory Roeseler from the USA prepares the Kiteski (patented and sold since1992). His technic is based on a flat kite with carbon spars and a control bar with brake reel which allows relaunching from the water. He sails with jump skis and is the first to sail upwind with skis. He now offers something between a waterski and a surfboard.

Untill 1992/93,there were a few other isolated uses of power kites to propell skis and boards ,but which didn't get any media or commercial attention. 

In 1996 kitesurfing gets a large media exposure due to the windsurfers Laird Hamilton and Manu Bertin using 2 strap towing surf boards with soft kites then special kitesurf boards with Kiteski and Wipika wings.

In 1997 F-One is the first company producing kitesurf boards. They were developed by Raphaël Salles and Laurent Ness.

By 1998 kitesurfing can be considered as a real sport. Some pilots can go upwind. Several schools start teaching kitesurfing. The first competition is held on Maui in September and won by Flash Austin, a Wipika sponsored rider.

A sport is born !